Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wish I caught it on video

Today I was feeding Twister his dinner. He had some bread in one hand and a piece of cheese in the other. I broke off a few pieces bread and set them on the tray.

What's a boy to do? Both hands were full.

He leaned over and licked it off the tray.

Maybe its just me, but it sure had me laughing!!! :)

Can you believe he is having a birthday this week!!??


Denise and Brandon said...

Wow, it's already been a year? It seems like it went by so fast but then why didn't it feel that way when I was pregnant?

Liz Smith said...

i love him. :)

Brenda said...

Now that's just using the "street smart" side of his brain. I'm actually highly impressed!

Kim W said...

He is soooo cute! I can't wait to see him this summer!

Devri said...

Sooo cute, baby's birthday is tomorrrow, but he is still sick so what a fun birthday, a visit to the docs again..