Not to brag or anything, but, well, who am I kidding, I'm his mom, and I'm going to brag!! He is such a happy boy! He rolls over on accident sometimes, he coos and smiles constantly. He thinks peek-a-boo is the funniest game EVER, and has an infectious laugh. We just love him to pieces. :) Oh, and I nearly forgot, one of his BEST traits, is he sleeps through the night. He has for months. He must really love me. :)
you are so lucky sleeps through the night! he is really cute too.
Wow I think he is my other twin.. They do the exact same things... He is sooo scrumpious!!!
awwwww, how adorable!
He is adorable!! Gotta love the ones who sleep through the night!
picture #2...priceless!
You know he gets that tongue thing from his daddy.
I could smooch his cheeks all day! He is so sweet!
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