Friday, May 9, 2008

Hate mail

Let me start by saying that I am not complaining, or asking for donations (yet, lol!). I just had to share the "hate mail" sent to me by the hospital. I nearly fell out of my chair! I'm not sure if its legible, but the top of that says "we would appreciate payment within the next 30 days." I'd be lucky to pay off that full amount in 30 years! Luckily, they made the error of forgetting to bill our insurance. **whew** Thank heaven for our medical insurance! Don't leave home without it.


Rosebud Collection said...

Hospitals always amaze me..Instead of waiting to find out what is what, they use their scare tactics..Glad you have insurance..

Corrine said...

glad you don't owe that! That's crazy...

Kenney Crew said...

AMEN!!!!! I don't know what we'd do without insurance! Even with it the medical bills are sky high...not cool!