Saturday, May 24, 2008

When I run out of ideas for things to write about, I browse TuesdayTellAll's blog... Thought this might be fun.
Answer the following with only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? ....................Purse
2. Your significant other?.......................awesome
3. Your hair?
4. Your mother? .................................hero
5. Your father?..................................protective
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?........................wishful
8. Your favorite drink...........................Jamba
9. Your dream/goal?..............................Nurse
10. The room you're in?..........................Craft
11. Your children?...................................silly
12. Your fear?...................................failure
13. Where do you want to be in 6
14. Where were you last night?...................home
15. What you're not?.............................eloquent
16. Muffins......................................blueberry
17. One of your wish list items?.................landscaping
18. Where you grew up?........................... Chicago
19. What you read last........................Pride&Prejudice
20. What are you wearing?........................t-shirt
21. Your TV?.....................................on
22. Your pets?...................................imaginary
23. Your computer? ..............................lifeline
24. Your life?...................................Mine
25. Your mood?...................................content
26. Missing someone?.............................nope
27. Your car?....................................decrepid
28. Something you're not wearing?................swimsuit
29. Favorite Store?..............................HobbyLobby
30. Your summer?.................................anxious
31. Like someone?................................Benson
32. Your favorite color?
33. Last time you laughed........................Sharks
34. Last time you cried?.........................NICU


Kenney Crew said...

That's really cool! I love the simplicity with only using one word but still getting straight to the point. I've never heard of that a local craft store? If I ever make it to Chicago again (which would be so much fun), you'd have to take me there.

Rosebud Collection said...

Now that is something different. Short and sweet..

Devri said...

Hey you miss spelled my name wrong on #26... lol

Unknown said...

You are definitely eloquent-look at your artwork! You are so talented. Me, on the other hand, not so eloquent. You have to see my blah house-working on that though, especially now that I have my clock and beautiful artwork! ;0 Now I just need more money...