Monday, June 23, 2008

An interview with the birthday goose

Some answers I would love to edit a little to make me look better, but I'll just leave this as it is and let you enjoy. Since I'm not editing, you have to give me the leeway of adding a comment here and there.

What is something dad always says to you? No
What is something mom always says to you? No (this coming right after all the glory of his birthday... so sad!!)
What makes dad happy? I don't know

What makes mommy happy? cleaning up messes
What makes dad sad? I don't know
What makes mommy sad? messes (true)
How does dad make you laugh? I don't know
How does mom make you laugh? I don't know (ok, he likes easy answers, and he was writing his own at this point)
How old is your dad? In the 30's

How old is your mom? In the 20's
How tall is your dad? 6 feet
How tall is your mom? 5 feet (not too far off!)
What is daddy's favorite thing to do? Soccor

What is mom’s favorite thing to do? Press flowers (right on!)
What does your dad do when you're not around? Work
What does your mom do when you're not around? make the girls work (ok this did make me laugh, but its not true... no really, its not!)
What is your dad really good at? wii play
What is your mom really good at? wii sports
What is your dad not very good at? Nothing (aww!!)

What is your mom not very good at? picking things out at the store
What does your dad do for his job? Gives peoples money to other people to make more (bright kid! and a great description of the banking business)
What does your mom do for her job? Nothing now (right, nothing except cook, clean, play, create artwork, cheauffer. . . )
What is your dad's favorite food? Squirt, pepsi and sprite
What is your mom’s favorite food? Pepperoni (hmm.. I don't think so)
If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Danny Phantom
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Velma (scooby do, what a compliment, at least he thinks I'm smart)

How are you and your dad the same? we are both boys
How are you and your mom the same? I don't know

How are you and your dad different? He's a pro in tennis and golf (wii sports) and I'm not
How are you and your mom different? She's a girl, I'm a boy.

I hope that gives you an idea of what our awesome firstborn is like. He is very literal, hates to be wrong, and thinks I would be a perfect Velma. :) More interviews from the girls coming later this week!


Tami H. said...

This definitely had kevin and
I laughing, (I was reading it out loud to him as I read). "from the mouths of babes" if you have seen that LDS video - what more can I say?

Devri said...

L-0-V-E-D IT!!!

Kenney Crew said...

So, the truth comes out...too funny! Don't you love what kids say. I might have to steal this and do it with my children, although I fear what their answers would be.