Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Yesterday was too emotional to write about. The only good part of the day was that Daniel was taken off the bilirubin lights. He also had his circumcision, which apparantly makes babies very sleepy. He didn't eat very well at all. . .

Today, however was a bright, sunny, perfect spring day, and I had high hopes for the day. The nurse told me that overnight, he seemed to be taking about half of his feedings by bottle, the rest through his tube. That in itself is a slight improvement. He continued that trend for most of the day. I debated over when to go home. My other children have hardly seen me this past week. . . so, I decided to go home for dinner. I wasn't sure if I wanted to make the trip back to the hospital or not, but a call from my brother prompted me to make the trip so that he could meet his nephew.

I was at the hospital for 2 more feedings. The first was typical (half and half). The last feeding of the night, he didn't eat all that great from me, so we put the rest of what he needed to eat in a bottle to try that before going to the tube.

Guess what!

For the first time, he finished his entire feeding by mouth! When the nurse came in and asked how he did, I showed her the empty bottle and she did a little happy dance with me. I left the hospital crying again, but for JOY this time!!!! He's making some progress... keep up those prayers and we will be home in no time.


Mrs. Morty said...

That's so exciting!! I hope today goes just as well and you can bring him home!!

Liz Smith said...

yay!!!! that's so great!!! Thanks for letting us come by to see him. :)

Kenney Crew said...

Happy Day!!! I've been thinking about you tons and wish that I could come and help you in one way or another. I am so glad to hear that Daniel's making improvements. Keep focusing on the'll get through this. Love ya tons!!!!

Devri said...

that is so great any little progess is still progress, wish my baby was off his lights, but oh well, some day it will too happen..sorrry to hear you had such a bad day yesterday. your in my prayers

Rosebud Collection said...

I am so happy he drank the whole bottle..All will be fine..I told you, my daughter was under the lights and it didn't take long.

Corrine said...

good job Daniel! We're praying for you that you can go home and be with your family, keep eating and get nice and chunky

hope you are doing alright Cheryl and getting all the help that you need right now.