Saturday, January 12, 2008

Drum Roll please....

Big news this week! I had my ultrasound and not only was my due date correct (May 15) and baby is looking healthy just the right size and all, but HE'S A BOY!!! I would have been thrilled either way, but I'm really excited. :) Our family will be evened out, 2 boys 2 girls. My son is of course, *especially* thrilled. He will share a room with him and is already telling me how he is excited to play with him. I keep reminding him that it will be a little while before he is play-worthy, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

So, that is the big news for today! Now, if you want to really help me out, you can leave comments with ideas for boy names. Thats one area where I could really use some help! Thanks!


Nora said...

Good Luck! I only had one boy and we didn't agree on that when we had him. I finally had to make the final decision when the lady called in the hospital to fill out his Birth Cert.

With that said. Max is a good name :) Or you can go with Fred (Heidi would like that)

I love your blog, esp your last Ahhh haa moment. You are so talented, I'm proud to call you my sis in law.. Thanks for putting up with my bro. and keeping him in line. nieces and Nephews are a great bonus too.

Corrine said...

Thats awesome! Congratulations!

As for boy names, since you have Austin why not Houstin? I have always liked the name Robert, as well as Zachary...